PD Modules: Understanding the problem & unpacking its root causes
Is your team trying to address a persistent problem? This module is developed to help you better understand your problem by uncovering its root causes.
PD Series 1 > Module 1
What problem is your team facing?
Understanding the problem: Adult Wellness in Schools
Understanding the problem: Rebuilding relationships
Watch these videos for examples of problems that teams face & use the tools below to further identify your problem.
Reflective Questions
After viewing the videos, reflect on the following questions:
- What problem is your team addressing?
- If things were better, what would be happening differently?
- What evidence do you have that helps you to describe the problem specifically?
- How can you understand the problem more widely or deeply by gathering evidence from different sources?
Why do we do root cause analysis?
Understand the problem: unpacking its root causes
Watch this video to understand why it’s worth unpacking the root causes of a problem & use the tools below to delve into, as a team, the possible causes. If you’d like more information on how to do a root cause analysis, see the AMI Root Cause Webinar below.
Reflective Questions
After viewing the videos, reflect on the following questions:
- In your own words, why is it important to unpack the root causes of a problem?
- Think about a problem that you are currently facing. List root causes you believe contribute to the problem.
- Which root causes will you prioritize to address?
Planning Tools
Use these Planning Tools with your team to better understand your problem and unpack its root causes.
Take a look at this short tutorial, with examples, to dig deeper into root cause analysis.

AMI Root Cause Webinar
Explore Further Resources
- Root cause analysis - Why and how?
- A school’s needs analysis video
- Root cause analysis in the classroom