PD Modules: Setting Goals & Establishing Indicators of Success
Is your team working towards improvement? Have a look at this module which offers a simple process for clarifying your goal and identifying what indicators you’ll use to know you’ve achieved that goal.
PD Series 1 > Module 2
What goal is your team setting?
Setting a goal towards improvement
Watch this video with key reminders on the WHY and HOW of goal setting & use the planning tools below to set your own goals towards improvement.
Reflective Questions
After viewing the video, reflect on the following questions:
- In your own words, why is it important for your team to set a shared goal?
- How has your team chosen which goal to prioritize?
- How will you ensure that your goals are precise enough to lead to action, meaningful for all team members and actionable over time?
Why measure our progress towards our goals?
Establishing indicators of success (for goal setting)
Watch this video to understand why we measure progress towards our goals & use the planning tools below to learn more on how to establish indicators.
Reflective Questions
After viewing the video, reflect on the following questions:
- In your own words, why is it important for your team to develop indicators?
- What are some indicators that you believe are important for your team to use to measure your progress towards your goal? (What will be happening when you’ve achieved your goal? What will success look like?)
- How will you track your indicator over time?
Planning Tools
Use this tool to create or clarify a shared goal & the indicators associated with successfully achieving that goal.

AMI PDSA Settings Goals & Indicator Tool
Explore this short tutorial, with examples, to further explore goals & indicators to succeed with your team.

AMI Goals & Indicators Guide
Explore Further Resources
- Thinking Critically about Goal Setting
- Setting Goals - The Power of Purpose (for School & System Leaders)
- Smart Goals, Smart Schools
- Setting Goals info sheet