PD Series: 3 - Looking at Data as a School Team
School teams come together to look at student data for a variety of reasons, such as to better understand student needs, prepare reports, or review the school Educational Project. But not everyone is experienced or comfortable with analyzing and discussing student data. This learning series will provide you with some foundational concepts so that looking at data as a school team becomes less overwhelming, more useful, and more relevant for your team.
PD Series 3 Overview
By the end of this series, you will be able to:
- Understand different types of data that can be useful to explore as a school team
- Use a strategy for previewing school data before meeting with a team
- Know types of questions that are helpful to ask in order to read and make sense of school data
- Apply a protocol when analyzing school data with a team.
Is your team preparing to meet to discuss your school data?
This module is developed to help you better prepare for your meeting by providing you with some tips for previewing school data.
Is your team meeting to analyze school data?
This module is designed to guide your team towards productive discussion by providing you with a protocol to follow when analyzing school data as a team.
Is your team looking to gather data about your school?
This module is developed to help you ask appropriate questions to get the information that you are looking for.