Resources: Effective collaborative teams
Discover resources to be part of an effective collaborative team
Practical Tools
Tool to Support Reflections
Explore and use this tool to help support team reflections, using continuous improvement.
Tool for Sharing Our Work
Use this tool to help your team prepare to share their work and celebrate their successes.
Planning as a Team for Transitions
Planning for the successful transition of a student to school is a collaborative effort between several stakeholders. This tool will support multidisciplinary teams in reflecting on actions that can be taken to plan for a successful transition using a continuous improvement process.
Recruiting team members to implement a change idea
Implementing a new change idea often requires working in collaborative teams. This tool is designed to help you reflect on the steps you need to take in order to recruit members that will form your collaborative team. This tool is best used at the very beginning of planning your change.
Belbin’s team roles
A guide & activity sheet to gain a better understanding of your role within a team, to develop your strengths and manage your challenges as a team member. The exercises are designed to be used early on, to improve the team’s effectiveness.Belbin & Meredith, 1996, 2003
An introduction to Solution Oriented Meetings
Solution focused meetings are time limited and focused on possibilities. They help identify resources and strengths, establish clear goals, and support lasting positive change. This guide is designed to help your team run a solution focused meeting. Alexander & Sked, 2010
Overcoming Barriers to Sustainability
Collaborative teams sometimes encounter barriers when trying to sustain changes that they implement. This tool will support teams to reflect on possible barriers and plan actions to overcoming them.
Making meetings work
An article by Useable Knowlege, May, 2018.
Why meetings matter
An overview of why meetings are important and how they can be used better by Harvard Education Letter, 2014
Lessons from the data wise project: three habits of mind for building a collaborative culturel
This article is an overview of three habits of mind for building a collaborative culture.
Is collaborative PD time being wasted in schools?
This transcript of an interview is an overview of what makes school-based team meetings work well, and why they often don’t.