Resources: Data Literacy
Discover resources to increase your knowledge of data literacy
Practical Tools
Protocol from Data Literacy PD Capsule
A great Data Literacy tool to help you out - coming soon
AMI Planning Tool - Study & Act
In the final stages of the PDSA process, use this tool to facilitate the studying of your data as well as deciding how to act on the results.
Preparing to Talk About Data - Conversations Cards
These conversation cards can be used by teams to guide their discussions about starting to talk about data.
Analyzing Data - Conversations Cards
These conversation cards can be used by teams to guide their discussions about analyzing data.
Multiple Measures of Data
This monograph discusses how analyses of demographics, perceptions, student learning, and school process data provide a powerful picture to help improve understanding of a school’s impact on student achievement.
What is student data?
This infographic provides an overview of the different types of data that can come together to form a full picture of student learning.
Data Quality Campaign Infographics on data
This series of over 12 infographics illustrate the connections between data and student success.
Using data wisely at the system level
This article is an introduction to the “Universal Data Wise Improvement Process” and what it looks like in action Phi Delta Kappan, September, 2017
Leadership lessons from schools becoming ‘data wise
An article
Rethinking thinking
This video introduces the concept of the ‘ladder of inference’, which explains how our thinking moves from observations to inferences and actions.