PD Modules: Studying & Acting on Change Results
Is your team preparing to learn from your test of change by studying your results? Is your team thinking about how to apply your learning to improve your actions? Let us guide you with a couple videos and some practical tools and bonus resources.
PD Series 2 > Module 2
How will you study your results?
Studying the results of a change idea
Watch this video to better understand why studying your results of a test of change is important to meaningful improvement.
Reflective Questions
After viewing the video, reflect on the following questions:
- As you prepare to review your data, how well does the data collected match your indicators of success?
- How prepared do you feel to study the data from your test? What else do you need in order to be ready?
- How do you or your team plan to organize the studying of the data?
- How will you know when you’ve studied enough and are ready to act on what you’ve learned?
How will you act on what you have learned?
Acting on the results of a change idea
Watch this video as you start to think about how to act on what you’ve learned from studying your test of change.
Reflective Questions
After viewing the video, reflect on the following questions:
- In your own words, why is it important to act on your learning from your test of change?
- Which actions will you keep? How will you know if an action is worth keeping?
- Which actions will you change? How will you know if an action is worth changing and which changes are needed?
- Which actions will you drop? How will you know that the action should be dropped?
- What change idea will you plan to test next?
Planning Tools
Use these Planning Tools with your team to help you create your action plan and timeline.