Identify a Specific Area of Focus
This session is designed to help you pinpoint the contributing factors to a problem you are currently facing in order to identify appropriate solutions. By identifying root causes to address, you will avoid treating symptoms rather than the true, underlying problems.
You will leave the meeting with:
- an outline of root causes
- a clear plan on what next steps to take
Session Details
During our meeting we will explore topics such as:
- Root causes
- Factors inside or outside your control
- Long & short term goal setting
Session Information
Format: Live, online meeting (Teams, Zoom)
Target Audience: Consultants, School Board Team, School Team, IES professionals
Length: 90 minutes
Thoughts from Past Participants
“Brainstorming for the fishbone activity was really helpful. The process of categorizing everything helped me see all elements to the roll out running smoothly - what I have control over and what is out of my control. The work we did to pinpoint the root cause is so helpful as I now know where to focus our energy. Thank you both so much for your guiding questions. I appreciate you helping me stay focused and reflective”
~ consultant, NFSB
“For our meeting on December 9, 2020, I found the most helpful aspect to be clarifying my PLC's goals and success indicators. The AMI team help me reflect on the goal, and then to break down the goal into a long-term and short-term goal. From there the AMI team helped me focus my success indicators to better align with each goal.”
~ consultant, ESSB